Monday Morning Frenchie Photo Fun
I’ve been mulling over my growing hatred for anyone who says that they can “understand the reasons behind breed bans”. This, coupled with my increasing suspicion that most of this hysteria can be blamed on the media, has left me a rather grumpy person lately.
I was going to post a big, long, unhappy rant about stupid people and the stupid things that they say, but instead, let’s look at some photos of happy Frenchies. It’s better for my blood pressure, and it’s probably more fun for you, the reader.
Pff. I *TOTALLY* understand the reason behind breed bans.
It’s that people are FREAKING IDIOTS.
.-= Cait´s last blog ..Cavalier People Rock! =-.
Awwwww.. Tessa and Sailor look so good. 🙂 I can fully appreciate the beauty of a senior dog, what with Lola being 11 years old. Sushi seems like such a young upstart at only 3 years old.
Leah pictures definitely make the world a better place.
Breed bans make me sad and scared.
.-= Katie´s last blog ..Eeevil red demo dog. =-.
Tessa and Sailor are so sweet….and you can never have too many puppy pics…….breed bans are stupid, someone was telling me that they have actually started lifting some in the states. Hope it’s true……..
You guys sure are adorable!
Benny & Lily
.-= Benny & Lily´s last blog ..Lily the Referee =-.