Bullmarket French Bulldog Breeders

Kung Fu Puppies!

The puppies are smack dab in the middle of what I fondly refer to as their “Little Monsters” phase. That’s the phase where they bite feet, chew furniture, attack their elders and generally make you yell out “Hey, you! Puppy! Stop that!” every ten seconds.

Playtime now looks like a scene out of an extreme fighting video. All we need is a cage, and someone taking bets, and we could put it on pay per view.

Here’s a video of the puppies showing that their Kung Fu is strong.

10 replies
  1. Fred
    Fred says:

    Yikes! Master’s obviously teaching l’il grasshoppers secret, undefeatable French Bulldog style kungfu. Mad chopsocky skillz! You better watch yourself with those tykes.

    Fred’s last blog post..Treats

  2. Susan
    Susan says:

    As I said on Blip, you are evil, evil…spreader of foul music into the minds of humankind. That being said, when Bacon arrived, he was a combative little bugger, even though he was older than your crew. Ironically, now it is Logan who whacks the poop out of Bacon, who seems to like it, and topples onto his back at the slightest touch. He stays there with his legs waving in the air for as long as possible, until Logan grabs him by the lip or a leg and drags him away. This is only true outdoors. Indoors, a mere look from Bacon sends Logan creeping to exile on the other side of the room. Then they both gang up on the cat. Some doggy treats with a side of Prozac, please?

  3. Jennifer
    Jennifer says:

    Cute cute cute ! Glad though to see Rumble seems a little more subdued. I’m pretty sure it’s a facade……… 5 MORE SLEEPS!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Miss B.
    Miss B. says:

    Hello Carol!

    I just stumbled upon your blog. I noticed you mentioned Bella and I in one of your posts in March, why thank you kindly! If you ever want to do a Frenchie product giveaway I am kinda obsessed as you, I would love to do something! Bella is a tyrant and is certainly A LOT of work (I was the 4th parent she had before she was even one!) She has a cosmetically bad eye, she can see, but it’s pretty ugly, that’s why I named her ‘Bella’ because she’s the most beautiful girl in the world to me! I would have a Frenchie farm if I could and if I ever win the Lotto that’s exactly what I would have. I LOVE these dogs they always make me smile!!! Thanks again!!!


    Tristan + Bella (the very naughty Frenchie)

  5. Dawn
    Dawn says:

    Just loved seeing all those little masters in training, and especially loved seeing Tessa still holding her own against those little hooligans lol,lol

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