Bullmarket French Bulldog Breeders

French Bulldog Friendly Veterinarians Database

French Bulldog Experienced Veterinarians Database

After much wrangling with the powers-that-be at Ning, it looks like we’re never getting back the original French Bulldog Friendly Veterinarians database.

Requests for Veterinary Referrals to a French Bulldog experienced Veterinarian are one of the most common questions I receive. As I’m sure most of you remember, it’s pretty scary trying to find a veterinarian who is trustworthy and up to date on treating the health conditions which can sometimes plague our Frenchies.

Because of this, I need your help in building a new database.

The new site is here:


There’s a form which you can use to submit your Veterinarian’s information. Please use the ‘notes’ section to mention if this vet has a specialty, or if there’s a specific vet at the clinic clients should request. If possible, check to see if your vet has a website, and try to be accurate with their address information, since this will allow people to generate Google Maps directions for getting to their clinic.

Right now, the site is set up specifically for North American Veterinarians. I’ll work on getting it world wide over the next little while.

If you have any questions, please let me know. Also, please spread this request on any discussion boards or mailing lists you take part in.
