It’s a little Christmas Miracle!

Who doesn’t love a happy ending just before Christmas?

From the Malibu Times:

French Bulldog rescued from Malibu California CanyonA dog that fell into a two-foot-wide and 60-foot-deep hole was rescued by firefighters Tuesday. The dog, a French bulldog named Rocky, fell into a septic drill hole while walking with his owner, Victor, around 9 a.m. They were walking in Malibu up Corral Canyon.

“There were boards across the hole, but they were rotting, so when he walked across them he fell in,” said Barbara Calandra, the owner’s mother. “There was water in the bottom of the hole because of the rain, and it was just enough that he could keep his head above water.”

When firefighters responded, they used a laundry basket with lunchmeat inside it to get Rocky to climb in. After about 45 minutes, Rocky made it back to the surface without any injuries.

The next day, when Rocky returned to the same path on his walk, he refused to go anywhere near the 60-foot-deep hole, Barbara Calandra said.

Firefighters have been busy this holiday season – over in Chicago, firefighters rescued a coyote who was trapped in Lake Michigan on a floating slab of ice.

Enjoy this video, that details all of the heart warming (and bone chilling!) details.

Happy Holidays!

Bullmarket French Bulldogs Christmas Card 2010From all of my family (the two legged and the four legged members alike), we wish you a Happy Holiday season, and a joyous New Year.

My wishes, for all of us?

For every Frenchie (and every other dog and cat, too) a warm bed, an owner who loves them and the vet care that they need, no matter what the price.

For all of our senior pets, good deaths after long lives, with someone who loves you by your side.

For every pet owner, the money to care for your pets, to feed them and to keep a roof over their heads.

For my fellow breeders, the wisdom and the strength to continue trying to breed our dogs for health and longevity first, and for everything else second.

For every shelter worker and administrator, the courage to move towards a no kill future.

For my fellow bloggers, the dedication to keep on writing and telling the truth, even on the days when you doubt anyone is reading.

Happy Holidays – even if I’ve never met you face to face, know that your care and support, your love and your friendship, has meant the world to me. We might not know each other, but we’re still a family.

Who knew such silly little dogs could ever mean so much to so many people?

I miss Joe Strummer

I miss Joe Strummer

Eight years ago today. We miss you, Joe, and so does anyone who ever cared about modern music.

Wendy Faith Laymon & Her Fake French Bulldog Rescue, Part 3

In part two of “When is a Rescue Not a Rescue?“, I detailed how a few French Bulldog fanciers, working together, discovered that Wendy Faith Laymon (or is that Faith Layman? She has so many names on the go, it’s hard to tell) was behind the new “rescue” group, ‘Rescue a French Bulldog‘.

A background search on Wendy turned up some disturbing news – a history of puppy milling, with convictions for poor care of her dogs, licensing violations, and a host of other charges. Even the USDA finally said “enough is enough”, and suspended Wendy’s license until 2012. Considering the kinds of filthy conditions that the USDA doesn’t seem to have a problem with, you’re left fairly staggered when you contemplate just how bad Wendy Laymon’s kennels had to be to piss them off this severely.

Read more

Christmas Dog Shows in Kitchener

Zeus - Bullmarket Absolut Notorious, at the Credit Valley Dog Show

Zeus - Bullmarket Absolut Notorious, at the Credit Valley Dog Show

Just a quick note to mention we’ll be showing Zeus in Kitchener on December 28th and 29th, at the “Christmas” dog shows at Bingemans.

This is a nice chance for anyone interested in ‘talking dogs’ to come out and meet with us, ask some questions, meet some Frenchies and have a crash course lesson in watching a dog show.

The show schedule is here —

We are only attending the second and third days of the show.

If you plan to come out, please try to aim for at least one hour BEFORE the listed ring time. If you come out too close to ring time, I will be too busy grooming and fretting to really have time to chat with you. I can’t tell you where we’ll be set up, but look for the Frenchies in the grooming area – we usually all try to set up close together, and if not, we’ll usually know where each other are.

Please drop me a note if you’d like to attend, and I hope to meet some of you there!