Babe Author Dead at 88

Babe author Dick King Smith dead at 88 years
Image courtesy of the wonderful artist Olga Gonorovsky. You can see more of her work on Facebook, or on her website at

On of my favorite movies of all time is the Children’s Classic “Babe”. The barnyard animal portrayals are all so exactly and precisely spot on what I could really imagine those creatures ‘sounding’ like that it will always embody what I think ducks must ‘talk’ like, or crotchety border collies, or cud munching cows.

Dick King-Smith was the author of “Sheep-Pig” – the original title of the book the movie “Babe” was based on. A teacher for many years, King-Smith made a failed attempt at farming, but turned his experiences into a success with his children’s books, many of which he referred to as “Farmyard fantasies”.

From the Los Angeles Times

..His most famous book was his sixth, “The Sheep-Pig,” published in England in 1983 and retitled “Babe: The Gallant Pig” when it was published in the United States in 1985. The book won the Guardian Children’s Fiction Prize in 1984, with one judge declaring it “perfect.”

It’s the story of a piglet that is won at a fair by a sheep farmer and adopted by the farm’s mother sheepdog, Fly.

Trained to herd sheep by Fly, the polite Babe puts his own spin on getting sheep to obey.

“If I might ask a great favor of you, could you all please be kind enough to walk down to that gate where the farmer is standing, and to go through it? Take your time, please, there’s absolutely no rush.”

The author, who tapped his years of working with farm animals for his writing, had an affinity for pigs — despite a fondness for eating bacon.

“It’s something I may have to see my psychiatrist about, but yes, I have a real soft spot for pigs,” he told the Daily Telegraph of Sydney, Australia, in 1996. “I like pigs as friends and for their intelligence. I have always admired them.”

King-Smith, who sold the movie rights to “The Sheep-Pig” to Australian writer-producer George Miller shortly after it was published, was a fan of the Chris Noonan-directed movie.

Never trust a Frenchie

Bunny and Mae having a girl fight

Bunny and Mae having a girl fight

Sean and I grow increasingly concerned about Bunny. She seems to have learned some rather unsavory habits over the last month or so – specifically, she’s becoming an unrepentent kleptomaniac. At one time, she was content to simply shred anything plastic she could get her hands on. Now, however, shredding isn’t good enough – she has to steal items, and then bury them underneath her, in her bed. Bunny then perches on top of her hoard of purloined booty, looking angelic and shrugging adorably when we shriek “Bunny! Where the hell is the satellite remote control??”.

Life with circus dogs is always a challenge, a point proven to me yesterday, when I discovered Bunny sitting next to my computer. On my desk. She had either gotten there via my rolling desk chair, or possibly by levitation, a feat I do not put past her. Personally, I suspect she was browsing on line shopping sites, likely because I had stupidly left my credit card sitting in front of the monitor. Well played, Bun Bun.

Later in the evening, Sean found her on the end table next to the sofa, where she was either in the process of attempting to turn on the lamp, or stealing all the lightbulbs.

It’s sad to see a good dog go so very bad, but it’s hardly surprising in a French Bulldog. Some of the hardest cases have even resorted to sled jacking. Next stop, dealing cat nip outside kitty shelters….

Missing French Bulldog in Michigan

Missing French Bulldog in Michigan

Ty is a Missing French Bulldog from Michigan

Please help bring this little guy home to his parents. He’s been missing since September, and his parents are understandably frantic.

Name: Ty
Lost: September 30, 2010
Location: Shiawassee County, MI

Could have been taken by car, so far no one that I have found in the
town knows anything, and has not seen anything. Last sighting may have
been in Davidson MI, Bristol and Irish Rd.

Neutered Male. 12 inches tall. 2 inch stub tail. Standing Bat Ears.
Black/Brindle. White on chest and chin. Friendly. Pug-face. Is always

Call Any hour with any sightings.
989-413-1747 or 989-286-2128

Facebook page/photos/updates:

This is my dog… feel free to contact me with any questions. thank
you for your help. Shelters, vets, police, neighbors, restaurants,
breeders, news papers, have all been notified. Posted have been posted
around town, and some surrounding towns, however he is still not home.
I’m thinking he was picked up because no one has even called with a
direction he went.

Additional Images:

Happy New Years, from the Bullmarket Frenchies Gang!

I hope everyone has a fabulous New Year’s Eve, and here’s to a healthy, happy, fun filled 2011!

That’s CHAMPION Zeus, thank you!

French Bulldog Champion Bullmarket Absolut Notorious

Thanks to Jean Ashley for offering at the last minute to handle for us this weekend at Elora Gorge, and for taking Zeus to Ch Bullmarket Absolut Notorious!

Jean did a great job, as did Thomas Curley and Kay Reil, who also handled him. The poor guy finished in three weekends — with a different handler each weekend! We’re lucky he’s so mellow 😉

Zeus is out of Int Ch Parys Baflo and Bullmarket Absolut The Hot Chick

French Bulldog Judging Results:

Monday, Dec 27th
Judge – Janet Lobb

WD, BOS- Dr. Zeus Green Eggs and Ham
No BOW or WB – no other class dogs or bitches entered
BOB – Ch. Petite Cherie Savoir Faire At Foxmoor (Group 1st as well)

Tuesday, Dec 28th
Judge – Dr. W Cespedes Arias

WD – Bullmarket Absolut Notorious
WB – Amanda Baflo
BOW, BOS, Best Puppy – Bullmarket Absolut Notorious
BOB – Ch. Petite Cherie Savoir Faire At Foxmoor (Group 3rd as well)

Wednesday, Dec 29th
Judge – William Rodriguez

WD, BOS, Best Puppy (CH) Bullmarket Absolut Notorious
WB, BOW – Evita Minimolos (new champion!)
BOB – Ch. Petite Cherie Savoir Faire At Foxmoor (Group 1st as well)

I have video of the class judging from Tuesday at Elora – unfortunately, my camcorder gave out just before the end of the judging, so I missed breed and group. It’s below, or over on YouTube