Meet Holmes

Holmes then and now

I wrote about Mojo the other day, but there was so much more to his story that we couldn’t talk about right away.

The photo above, on the left, shows the dog that we were expecting to take into rescue. The dog on the right is the actual dog we picked up. The dog on the left is a small, young, apparently healthy male. The dog on the right is approximately three to five years old, has a tumor on his head, can’t see because his vision is blocked by bilateral cherry eye, and is a 1 out of 5 on the body mass scale.

How long do you have to neglect a dog, before he gets from ‘a’ to ‘b’?

The rest (it’s long) after the cut.

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The Dog Game Defined: Puppy Brokers

Dinglehopper was sold by Hunte Corporation to a Toronto pet store

Dinglehopper was sold by Hunte Corporation to a Toronto pet store

I’m working on a multi part series on definitions of common terms used in ‘the dog game’.

Today’s definition: Puppy Brokers (sometimes colloquially called ‘dog dealers’)

A puppy broker is someone who buys puppies, either individually or entire litters, and then re sells them at a marked up price. For example, a  broker might buy a puppy from a small town Penny Saver for $50, and then re sell it through their website for $350. At the height of demand for European bred French Bulldogs, some brokers were buying puppies in Eastern Europe for as little as $300, and re selling them for as much as $2,500. Being a broker can be a very lucrative business.

Brokers can be huge commercial outfits, like The Hunte Corporation.

Hunte is estimated to supply 80% of North American pet stores with their puppies (85,000 sold in one year alone). Hunte breeds no dogs of their own, but purchases them from primarily mid western commercial dog breeders, Missouri in particular. They then are vetted at their main facility, and shipped out across North America, to stores like PJ’s and Petland. The AKC, by the way, just loves Hunte Corporation. The CBC did a great expose on the pipeline that got a puppy named Dinglehopper from Missouri to Toronto, where he was purchased from PJ’s Pet Store.


Brokers can be shady, like the ones who buy up the puppies Hunte and other big commercial brokers don’t want.

These outfits buy ‘second class’ puppies, also known as “B” grade puppies, either directly from the breeders or sometimes through a contact at the big brokers. They then re sell these puppies through penny saver ads, or at flea markets, or from Walmart parking lots. Some of them have a new twist to this – they market their “B” grade puppies as ‘rescues’, charging ‘adoption fees’ higher than they could get at flea market, and with the ‘adopter’ having signed away any expectation of getting a healthy dog.


Brokers can be importers who buy foreign litter lots of puppies, mainly from Eastern Europe.

Since whelping costs are MUCH lower there, and puppy prices very low as well, import brokers can purchase an entire litter of puppies and then re sell them at inflated American prices. Some import brokers don’t import the puppies until they have ‘orders’ for them. Many of them have slick looking websites, some of which will make claims about “FCI” puppies being miraculously healthier than North American bred ones.


Brokers can be small, and claim to be ‘Finders Services’.

These people claim that they have a secret pipeline to all of the “most exclusive” breeders in North America – breeders that you, Joe Public, couldn’t possibly qualify to purchase a puppy from. Some of them offer all kinds of bells and whistles – they’ll hand carry the puppy to you, they will stay in your home for a week and do puppy ‘nanny’ duty. These places, generally run by just one or two people, will claim that they’re doing buyers a service by pre screening puppies and breeders, so you don’t have to.

Here’s what you need to know – NO reputable breeder will EVER knowingly sell a puppy to a broker of ANY sort.

A good breeder wants to meet you. Scratch that – a good breeder will INSIST on meeting you. They want to make sure you are a good home for the puppies they’ve raised and loved and looked after. They want all of your contact information. They want you to keep in touch, and send photos, and let us know if something goes wrong.

NO good breeder would ever turn a puppy over to strangers, to be sold to strangers. The very idea is repugnant. We need to know that our puppies are safe and loved and being cared for.

There is no ‘secret puppy pipeline’, like the “Finders Services” claim there is. They find puppies primarily by calling ads from the Penny Savers, or looking for local back yard breeders – the only kind of breeders willing or clueless enough to sell to them.

ANYONE can get a great puppy, from the best breeder in the world, if they’re willing to do their homework, and show some patience – and you don’t need a broker to be your middleman.

What I’ve Learned from French Bulldog Rescue

Today’s photos from CFBR’s staging area

Some days, I can get cranky about the state of our fancy, and of the politics and bullshit that go on in French Bulldogs (or any other breed, really).

One more day of seeing all of those ads with Frenchie cross puppies for sale. One more email from someone bitching at me because their (free) listing on the French Bulldog Links site hasn’t shown up yet, and how dare I make them wait so long? One more email from someone whining that  I tossed them off of Frenchie Friends for spamming their puppies. One more phone call from someone complaining about our upcoming show – but not offering to help, of course – they’re BUSY, and don’t have time for trivial things like that.

Then, something like this week’s Chicago French Bulldog Rescue comes along, and all of sudden ALL of these people just jump in and offer the most amazing things.

Money, which is always needed and always awesome, but other things, too – things that take people’s time and efforts and selflessness.

Need someone to drive a dog across country? Sure, what’s a nine hour drive each way?

Pregnant girl needs a foster home? Not one, not two, not three, not four, but countless people offering to help.

C sections for pregnant bitches? TWO vets so far who have offered their services gratis.

More dogs than you had thought? Here, let me pay for ALL of them, and their vet care, too.

When Ema was sick, we even had two people offer to fly her in their private planes for her surgery.

On the days when you think “This just isn’t worth it”, miracles will happen that restore your faith in humanity, and that make you realize what a truly AWESOME community of breed lovers we really are.

If you’re part of that, then thank you.

And…. if you’re one of the bitchy whiners who never actually do anything, but sure do love to complain?

Screw you.

There are more of us than there are of you, and we will ALWAYS win, so take your negativity and go sulk someplace else.


Euthanized Puppy Emerges Alive from Dumpster

Three-month-old puppy was euthanized on Saturday, but found alive again on Sunday.

Puppy was euthanized on Saturday, but found alive i Dumpster on Sunday.

It’s bad enough that there are still shelters euthanizing dogs for ‘space’, but it gets a lot worse when the shelter staff can’t even tell the difference between a live dog and a dead one.

From the New York Post:

A puppy euthanized by veterinarians has risen from the “dead.”

The black-and-white pooch was one of five young dogs “put to sleep” Saturday at a shelter in Sulphur, Okla., News 9 in Oklahoma City reported. Each dog was checked and confirmed to be dead, then the 3-month-old and his four siblings were placed in a trash bin.

On Sunday morning, an animal control officer looked into the bin and discovered that the one pup somehow survived.

“He was just as healthy as could be,” Scott Prall told News 9.

The puppies were selected to be euthanized because of illness, as well as overcrowding due to limited shelter space in the state, said Amanda Kloski, a veterinarian in Oklahoma who has been caring for the puppy since his resurrection.

Kloski created a profile for the small dog, named Wall-E after the Pixar film character. A woman in Pennsylvania then took up the cause, working to find the puppy a home.

“He is a delightful Pup, about 3 months old, is surprisingly healthy except for a heavy infestation of Hookworm for which he is undergoing treatment,” Marcia Machtiger wrote in a special website she created for the animal.

She stresses that if a home for Wall-E isn’t found soon, he could wind up back at the shelter — where he very well might end up being euthanized again.

Massive Puppy Mill Rescue

French Bulldogs in acceptable USDA sized puppy mill cage

French Bulldogs living in an *acceptable* USDA sized puppy mill cage

Cage size: must be 6 inches larger than the size of the dog, on all sides”.

That’s what USDA demands for the dogs being bred in USDA inspected and approved facilities. 6 inches, half a foot on each side, and above their heads, every day, every night, for their entire lives. That’s what the best of them are expected to provide, so imagine, for just one minute, what it is like for the French Bulldogs living in the worst.

There has always been controversy surrounding the purchase of dogs from Puppy Mill auctions. Rescues with good intentions but no auction experience can drive up prices, letting Mills get prices sometimes thousands of dollars more than they would have normally. With that money,breeders can then turn around and buy all new breeding stock, beginning the cycle all over again. Better to starve them of demand, we’ve been told. Let their old stock go unsold, and then at the end of the day, they’ll be more likely to turn the dogs over to rescue. A good theory, but with some dogs going without bids at all, there have been rumors for years of puppy mills who don’t bother to take unsold stock back home. I’ll let you imagine how that’s accomplished.

An experienced rescue volunteer can change up those odds. She or he can get in there, properly dressed, and put in some low ball bids near the end of the bidding. They won’t get the young stock, the healthy young bitches or the ones in ‘rare’ colors, but they can get the old timers, the crippled dogs and the ones who perhaps wouldn’t even be given a car ride back to their pen at the end of the day, if no one else bid on them.

A donation of as little as fifty dollars can buy a dog their freedom, if a rescue who knows what they’re doing are the ones doing the bidding. Fifty dollars can get a dog out of that cage that extends just six inches around them, where they’ve lived their entire lives, waiting for someone to see them as more than just a money making machine.

This Friday, if we can raise enough money, one rescue is going to attempt a massive French Bulldog puppy mill rescue, from conditions that are nothing less than hellish. I hope that I’ll be able to introduce you to some of the dogs next week. There is one that I can’t stop thinking about, without having even met her. She’s pregnant, and she’s also nine years old.  We don’t know how many litters she’s had before this, but we do know that she’s had all of them while living inside that hell – that six inch hell.

I’d like to say that I can’t even imagine that, but I can, and because I can, I don’t know if I can sleep knowing that she might get left behind, bought up by another puppy mill, put back in another cage, whelping – one more litter after this one? Two more? Until she gives out, or her uterus does, or she dies in the delivery, or inside of that six inch cage.

I don’t know what the price is for a life like that, but if just $50 can buy it, then the karma you can get with $50 has just increased infinitely.

From Mary Scheffke and Chicago French Bulldog Rescue:

What we face as a rescue is the fear that we will not be able to get all the dogs out due to people bidding too high and against us. I can tell you how I had nightmares for over a year about the dogs I left behind at the auction last time I went. It is usually hard to save them all but I would love to be able to save them ALL at this auction! So- I am reaching out to all my dear friends to help us help these dogs. They have lived LONG ENOUGH in deplorable conditions! If this farmer is facing serious cruelty charges to these animals- you can bet they have been treated horribly! Without your help- we will NOT be able to get them all out and back into warm houses and blessed with warm hearts to take care of them. We know of other rescues who have gotten Bulldogs from this same place – the dogs had broken legs from being kicked and worse!

Donate if you can, even if it’s just $5, because think about that for a minute – just ten people, giving $5 each, can get a French Bulldog a new life.

What a small price to pay.

Chicago French Bulldog Rescue’s Chip In page is here –

Their Paypal link is on their website

Their widget below donates directly to their Paypal fund. Let’s bring them home, people – just one French Bulldog at a time.