Update from Yarmouth

Kristin Williams, executive director of the Nova Scotia SPCA, gives a presentation against breed specific legislation. Photo from the Yarmouth County Vanguard


Good news came out of the town of Yarmouth public meeting. It looks like breed specific legislation (BSL) is off of the table altogether, and a lot of the other extreme, draconian clauses (like the idiotic ‘two dogs or they’re dead’ clause) are also being removed.

A full report on the meeting, with quotes from some of the emails council received on the proposal, is here:

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SPCA Pays New Brunswick Shelters to Kill Dogs

World’s longest covered bridge, Hartland, NB. I spent part of my childhood living a few minutes from this bridge, but I’ll never move back there now


I’m having a really, really hard time wrapping my head around this entire situation, but I’m going to give it a go.

Back in June of 2010, the Province of New Brunswick, Canada, passed sweeping new legislation that it refers to as its “Pet Establishment Regulations“. The new regulations define anyone who breeds, sells or shows dogs as a “kennel”, and requires them to obtain a kennel license.

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Great Big French Bulldog Rescue Update

Photo above – Holmes coming out of recovery with a vet tech

On Friday, Holmes and his foster mom headed out to what I like to call “The Veterinary Parking Lot”, aka the Most Crowded Vet Clinic in the World (this is the clinic I spoke about in my post about meeting a Puggle Breeder). Karen got to experience the chaos of an all surgery clinic first hand, and Holmes got his surgery done.

He seemed to come through it just fine, although the veterinarian has some concerns that there might be more than just palate at work with Holmes breathing issues. Unfortunately, when Karen got him home, she noticed that he was unable to put any weight on his rear. This isn’t a limp – it’s simply that Holmes can’t seem to support himself in the rear – as if his hips (never great to begin with) have simply stopped working.

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French Bulldog Thefts are Very Real Threat

When you realize that someone has stolen your dog, your first reaction is disbelief.

“This can’t possibly be happening”, you’ll think. “I must just be looking in the wrong place”.  That’s the start of a nightmare that any of us who have had French Bulldogs stolen are all too familiar with.

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