Sailor Girl


Bullmarket Roch the Boat
My Sailor Girl – Anchored in the harbor of rest.
25 Feb 1999 – 06 April 2012


All of My Beautiful Dogs Are Dying
– Vicki Hearne

. . . Without the beautiful dogs
No one dares to attend to desire;

The sky retreats, will intend nothing,
It is a ceiling to rebuke the gaze,
Mock the poetry of knowledge.

My death is my last acquiescence;
Theirs is the sky’s renunciation,
Proof that the world is a scattered shame

Littering the heavens. The new dogs
Start to arise, but the sky must go
Deeply dark before the stars appear.

Peace on Earth

From all of us, to all of you.

French Bulldog Christmas card from Bullmarket French Bulldogs


 From Carol, Sean Ryan and the dogs –

Sailor, Delilah, Penelope, Billie, Brigid, Hanna and the puppies (and Petal the cat!)

Happy Holidays from Bullmarket!

It’s our annual video Christmas card, this time featuring all of the Nell and Delilah puppies, in a French Bulldog version of the Yule Log broadcasts.

Sit back and watch it with a cup of cocoa, and you’ll feel like Christmas Time is here (even if you don’t celebrate it!).



Orange You Glad to Meet Me?

Mr. Orange is rapidly becoming our favorite French Bulldog puppy. This video illustrates why…

* note to those who have asked – these noises are NOT growling. They’re a sort of rabid chipmunk noise that all Frenchie puppies make pre-bark. Weird noises and Frenchies go together like chocolate and peanut butter…