Bullmarket French Bulldog Breeders

The Bunny Puppies Have Arrived!

Bunny French Bulldog puppies 2011

Well, after a very exciting (read: I haven’t slept in 30 hours) night, the Bunny puppies have arrived!

2 gorgeous, stripey, flashy, brindle boys with deep black masks, and one tiny little double hooded fawn pied girl (who has been instantly nicknamed “MINE!”). They are sired by Brenda W’s lovely brindle male, Stoli.

The pedigree is here —


I had taken Bunny in to our vet’s office yesterday morning for a reverse progesterone test, with results that said that, while she was dropping, ‘parturition was not imminent’, so we should re check in 24 hours. We made an appointment to have her progesterone re tested this morning, at 8 am, and I headed home with Bunny, sure I was going to have a final full night of sleep. Instead, by dinner time I had a bitch who wouldn’t eat, by 9 pm a bitch who was slightly restless, and by 2 am a bitch who was in the full first stages of labor. So much for technology’s ability to outguess mother nature!

All three kids had healthy birth weights and came out screaming blue murder – we barely had to rub them to get them to start shrieking their little lungs out.

Bunny, on the other hand, had a rather rough time of it. She went through the surgery with flying colors, but then lost a lot of blood after closing. She was shocky and pale, and we thought we were going to end up having to transfuse her. Luckily, time and a lot of heating blankets pulled her out of it.  She’s fine now, and loving her babies already.

I’ll get more photos when my brain is functioning more efficiently — ie; after sleep and/or an entire pot of coffee.

(by the way, all the kids are spoken for)

Bullmarket French Bulldog Breeders

What’s with Frenchies and viral videos?

French Bulldog giving kitty a bath

Sign of the impending apocalypse

I  don’t know what’s been going on lately, but it seems like every other viral video on the web features a ridiculously cute French Bulldog doing something adorable. If it’s not a roly poly puppy, it’s a puppy attacking a door jamb. Today, it’s a French Bulldog giving a cat a bath.

Personally, I suspect a plot – one I’ve been suspicious of for an awfully long time. First, Frenchies creep into the American consciousness via a series of adorable movie roles. Then come the celebrity owners, and now, the grassroots viral video movement. It’s all part of a larger movement – the French Bulldog revolution is at hand.

Shortly, we will all wake up to a world where our French Bulldog overlords rule our every movement, demanding snacks, treats and snuggles as the whim strikes them, and forcing us to purchase over priced toys and accessories for their pleasure.

Oh, wait. That’s all happened already. Looks like we’re screwed.

In the meantime, enjoy this video of a Frenchie overlord cute wittle Fwenchie tasting its prey kissing a kitty.

Bullmarket French Bulldog Breeders

Remembering Old Dogs

Tessa, a senior French Bulldog

Tessa - always on my mind

Every once in a while, I have woken up convinced I felt the weight of Tessa’s head resting on my ankle. For fifteen years, that’s where she slept – at the end of the bed, under the covers, her head resting on my foot or on my ankle. Later in life, she grew restless, tossing and turning and frequently waking me up in the process. I would wake up, and I would rub her head with my foot, and she’s sigh and settle down and go back to sleep.

Every once in a while, I wake up stroking a phantom with the side of my foot, and for those first few seconds, before I’m fully awake, I am sure I have felt her there, rubbing against me for confirmation that everything is OK, and that she can sleep.

I have always loved Jimmy Stewart. I am old enough to remember seeing him on the Johnny Carson show (which means I am old enough to remember Johnny Carson), and I can recall seeing him recite some of his poetry. I don’t remember seeing him recite this one, however.

I wish I did.