CFBR Puppy Mill Rescue – Live Blogging
/43 Comments/in French Bulldog Rescue, puppy mills /by CarolI’ll be updating this post throughout the day, as news comes in from Mary and her team. When we get photos, I’ll add them after the cut, so that the front page will load faster.
Chicago French Bulldog Rescue’s French Bulldog Puppy Mill Updates:
Donate to help cover the veterinary expenses of the rescued dogs and their unborn puppies – click here for the PayPal link. CFBR is a 501(c)3 Charity.
6:24 EST
Just spoke to Mary. She asked me to clarify that four of the ten Frenchies rescued by CFBR were paid for by an anonymous east coast donor, who will also be taking responsibility for their veterinary care and expenses. CFBR won’t be fostering them, as they’re heading for a veterinary facility on the east coast.
(English) Bulldog Rescue update: Mary said that Bulldog rescue, with the help of CFBR, got out: 3 10 day old puppies and their mother; one bitch who had just miscarried; several other puppies; several other Bulldogs which had gone unsold at a nearby puppy mill auction. CFBR is trasporting them to the Bulldog rescue staging area.
Mary says that they are enroute to their own staging area, and that they are fine for supplies. They have loads of towels and blankets, but trust me – anyone bringing coffee, donuts or snacks will be greeted with open arms 🙂
I was pleasantly surprised to hear that these dogs are in much better shape than we had feared. They are friendly and well fed, and seem to be refreshingly free of any immediately apparent health issues. They’ll be screened as soon as possible for heartworm or other parasites, and will be given whatever meds and parasite controls possibly (considering that half of them are pregnant).
I will post more updates in the morning as they come in. Mary tells me that they’ll probably be on the road until 1 am or so, after which she still has to get dogs settled, fed and exercised, and then check her mail and messages. So, if you’ve contacted her, be patient waiting for a response!
If you’ve contacted her offering to foster, she’ll attempt to reach you sometime in the morning.
4:14 PM EST
OK, facebook and blogosphere – I’m taking a break for an hour to play w my own puppies and to feed my dogs. I’ll check back in later w any news and updates. Happy Frenchie Freedom Friday! I vote that the girl who has her birthday today is named “Freedom” – how about you?
12:45 EST
Phone update from Mary.
For anyone who has been asking, this farm is DEFINITELY out of business. Everything is being sold today, including the farm property itself. The owners are out of money, and stated that there was enough food left for the dogs for one more day.
Here are the totals of what Mary and her team were able to get, with your help:
They were able to purchase ten of the fifteen French Bulldogs for sale, four of which were paid for by an anonymous donor from the east coast, who will be looking after their vet care and other expenses.
Pregnant Female 1 – Fawn
Born 9/8/09, Due 04/17
Pregnant Female 2 – fawn and white
Born 11/2/06, Due 05/01
Pregnant Female 3 – brindle and white
Born 08/06/07, bred, not sure of due date
Pregnant Female 4 – NINE year old Cream
Born 09/23/02, due 04/26 (touted as having ‘lots of litters left in her’)
Pregnant Female 5 – EIGHT year old Cream
Born 07/03/03, Due March 15
Pregnant Female 6 – Fawn, barely one year old
One year old today, and due 03/08
Female 7 – fawn and white
Female 8 – white and fawn
Female 9 – brindle and white
Male – brindle and white
They aren’t sure yet how many Bulldogs made it out, as the sale was still going on as Mary and I were speaking. Mary says that the other buyers were Amish, and that they are PISSED that Mary’s team got the pregnant girls out.
URGENT – this is WAY more pregnant females than was expected. Experienced breeder foster homes willing to whelp and rear litters are desperately needed. Please contact Mary at if you can help. C Section and vetting costs are going to be astronomical, so please donate if you can.
9:42 AM (20 minutes ago)
Mary just checked in and the caravan is approx 20 minutes from the auction site. Cell phones are spotty at best down there in the mountains! Everyone, please keep them in your thoughts and prayers that they get all of the Frenchies OUT and they themselves are safe!
Update: 3:06 pm
First photos – after the cut.
French Bulldog Puppy Mill Rescue – Live Blogging Friday
/6 Comments/in French Bulldog Rescue, puppy mills /by Carol
This is Ginger - another puppy mill rescue. Her full story is coming on Monday. This is Ginger AFTER gaining weight, by the way.
Just a quick update that, thanks to some dedicated Chicago French Bulldog Rescue volunteers, I’m going to be live blogging as much of Friday’s puppy mill rescue efforts as possible.
No updates will be possible from the auction itself (and there are police on hand to make sure of that, which is pretty much the height of irony), but as soon as the auction is done, and from the staging areas onwards, we’ll be getting you news just as soon as we possibly can.
Check in through out the day on Friday, for news as soon as we have it, including photos and video.
These Frenchies are going to need a LOT of veterinary attention, so please – continue spreading the word and encouraging people to give. Once they’re out of the puppy mill, the real job of ‘rescuing’ them will just be starting!
Euthanized Puppy Emerges Alive from Dumpster
/9 Comments/in Daily Life /by CarolIt’s bad enough that there are still shelters euthanizing dogs for ‘space’, but it gets a lot worse when the shelter staff can’t even tell the difference between a live dog and a dead one.
From the New York Post:
A puppy euthanized by veterinarians has risen from the “dead.”
The black-and-white pooch was one of five young dogs “put to sleep” Saturday at a shelter in Sulphur, Okla., News 9 in Oklahoma City reported. Each dog was checked and confirmed to be dead, then the 3-month-old and his four siblings were placed in a trash bin.
On Sunday morning, an animal control officer looked into the bin and discovered that the one pup somehow survived.
“He was just as healthy as could be,” Scott Prall told News 9.
The puppies were selected to be euthanized because of illness, as well as overcrowding due to limited shelter space in the state, said Amanda Kloski, a veterinarian in Oklahoma who has been caring for the puppy since his resurrection.
Kloski created a profile for the small dog, named Wall-E after the Pixar film character. A woman in Pennsylvania then took up the cause, working to find the puppy a home.
“He is a delightful Pup, about 3 months old, is surprisingly healthy except for a heavy infestation of Hookworm for which he is undergoing treatment,” Marcia Machtiger wrote in a special website she created for the animal.
She stresses that if a home for Wall-E isn’t found soon, he could wind up back at the shelter — where he very well might end up being euthanized again.