Bullmarket French Bulldog Breeders

Yet ANOTHER Jamboree Update (this one's important)

The time for the Jamboree is getting closer and closer, and the management of the resort have requested that ANYONE who has not yet made their reservations do so before March 15th. There are still some rooms available, and if our event is going to take them, another party wants them.

Please visit the reservation page to book your room –


I gaurantee that, if you wait until after March 15th, there will not be any space left available.

If you are planning on coming out just for the Saturday raffle, BBQ, meet and greet, match and other events, we also need you to give us advance notice. The management wants to estimate the staff they’ll need for parking, and they also need to finalize plans for the BBQ.

Please use the booking form on the Jamboree website to let us know you’re coming, and to give us an idea of how many guests you’re bringing –


If you’re interesting in sending a raffle donation, please include the following with your item:

Your name
A business card, if applicable
Any literature you want to be placed on the table (ie; brochures about your company)

For those of you who are kindly willing to donate a raffle item, please send it to:

French Bulldog Jamboree
c/o C Gravestock
243402 Southgate Rd 24
RR 4
Durham, ON Canada N0G 1R0

Or, just bring it along with you!

Wow, this is all turning into something approaching work! But if everyone has fun, it will all be worthwhile!

Bullmarket French Bulldog Breeders

London Animal Control – Overly Diligent Much?

London Ontario Thinks Solo Might be a Dangerous DogDo you remember this little guy?

He’s Solo, our singleton French Bulldog puppy, born last fall. He was cute then, and he’s still cute now – a happy little bundle of cream, with a big grin and even bigger ears.

Unfortunately, to the city of London, Ontario, Solo is just one more ‘potential Pit Bull’ – and they’re not taking any chances on him rampaging around the town, savaging stuffed animals and viciously attacking sticks.

After a few recent posts to the Frenchie mailing lists about the possible risk to French Bulldogs because of Ontario’s so-called ‘Pit Bull’ ban, I received an email from Solo’s mom. Solo lives with his family in London, Ontario, where he shares the house with two kids, his mom and dad and assorted small animals.

Solo’s mom, who has asked to remain anonymous for fear that they’ll be targeted by London Animal Control, related to me what had happened when she attempted to purchase a City of London Dog License for Solo.

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Bullmarket French Bulldog Breeders

Dog Show This n' That

Hope took some really fabulous photos at the IKC dog show in Chicago this past weekend. Most ring side photos are blurry messes, but Hope managed to get clear shots of all the competitors.

See them on her Flickr account —


If you live in or near the Dallas Fort Worth area, make plans to attend the FBCDFW Specialty show. Details about the show are below.

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