Bullmarket French Bulldog Breeders

PETA by Any Other Name – Still a Bunch of Nutbags

I think I’ve covered by now the grievances I hold against Peta (they’re all animal killing douches, among other things). Maybe you’re pretty sure that you don’t support Peta, and that your donated dollars aren’t rewarding their propensity for killing shelter animals and Pit Bulls like some kind of tofu snacking angels of death.

But.. are you really sure?

Check out this list of charities and groups that are rumored to be fronts and funnels for Peta, if not directly, then indirectly through moral support and sharing of key staffers. Supporting any of them could well be the equivalent of writing a check to Peta – and those guys already have a big enough dead dog freezer, thanks. Let’s not give them any more cash or support.

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Bullmarket French Bulldog Breeders

In Praise of Great Vets

A few years back, when Sean and I were still in a fairly new-ish relationship, we took in his elderly family cat. Misty had first been his sister’s cat, and then had sort of become his mother’s. Now that his mother was sick, Misty became ours. She was already elderly – 19, by his best estimate, and plagued with illnesses. Diabetes, a tumor on her jaw, hyperthyroidism – the list was fairly long, but in spite of it all, Misty was a happy, content little cat. We gave her her insulin, monitered her diet, tried to keep up her calorie intake and hoped for a few more good years.

In the spring of 2005, Misty seemed to go downhill. It was almost impossible to keep weight on her, so we moved her over to a pricey, vet recommended diet. I had my misgivings, but Misty was Sean’s cat, and I decided that the best move on my part was to step back and let him and his vet sort out her care. Sean isn’t like me – he doesn’t pester his vets with questions and second guessing and ‘but I read this on the web’ type statements. I suppose that makes him a better veterinary patient than me, although I’m not so sure that being ‘pesky’ isn’t frequently a good course to take when charting the care of our pets.

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Bullmarket French Bulldog Breeders

Crufts Judges – "be on the look out for unhealthy dogs"

Interesting implications for the French Bulldogs competing at Crufts this year —

This year, in an attempt to salvage its reputation, the Kennel Club has enlisted a team of 20 show monitors to scrutinise the judges’ decisions on breeds deemed to be at risk from health problems. Extra vets are also to attend the show.

At a private briefing in Stoneleigh Park, Warwickshire, Ronnie Irving, chairman of the club, told judges that they were now on the front line to ensure that dog shows and pedigree dogs survived the 21st century. He warned them that rewarding the health and welfare of dogs had to be paramount.

Fourteen breeds are deemed to be at risk from health problems: basset hound, bloodhound, bulldog, chow chow, clumber spaniel, dogue de Bordeaux, French bulldog, German shepherd, mastiff, Neapolitan mastiff, pekingese, pug, St Bernard and shar-pei. The club has issued new breed standards.

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