Bullmarket French Bulldog Breeders

Blogrolling Blows

After six+ months of downtime, rumors of major leaugue hacks and problems, and a ‘we’re working on it! Back any moment now! Really!’ page that kept pushing ahead the roll out date, Blogrolling is finally back — and I just removed it from my template.

Here’s a hint – if your service spends months down, pissing off your subscribers and making it impossible for any of us to edit our links, perhaps you shouldn’t re launch immediately with a new format that forces my visitors to read stupid paid ads on every link – paid ads that *I* have to pay to have removed.

Pay you? How about I just go back to using the old skool WordPress blogroll list, instead?

Morons. Major marketing fail.

Bullmarket French Bulldog Breeders

Site Bug Test Needed

I’m playing around with some Flash (I’m thinking of adding some to a new site I’m working on for another breeder), but I decided to test it out on my site before hand, just in case.

Can you please take a look, and fill out the small poll on the left side while you’re there?

Mostly, I just want to see how many people are using flash enabled browsers, and whether the number is high enough to bother adding it to the site. I also want to see how many people just find Flash annoying, rather than amusing. I won’t use it as an exclusive menu system yet, but I think it can brighten up a site if used sparingly.

Test page is here — https://www.bullmarketfrogs.com/index2.html


Bullmarket French Bulldog Breeders

The Last Word on Vick

Lifted from the Bad Rap blog —

Michael Vick Dogs Editorial Cartoon