Just when you think Doodles Couldn't Get Weirder…
/7 Comments/in Daily Life /by frogdogz( for Jan, of Poodle and Dog Blog)
Cockadoodles, GoldenDoodles, WeinerDoodles, Masti-Doodles, FrogADoodles – seems there’s no breed of dog that just wouldn’t be better with a little bit of Doodle added to it. A Doodle, for those who don’t know, is just about any type of poodle cross. The portion of Poodle in your Doodle might vary, but it’s in there – and that, apparently, is what makes it ‘rare’.
Just when you think Doodle crosses couldn’t possibly get any weirder, we proudly present the MyLittleDoodle – a dog for the newish millenium.
Weekend Round Up and Killer GPS
/9 Comments/in Daily Life, French Bulldog Stuff /by frogdogzIn case you happen to be one of the two remaining people in the Western Hemisphere that I haven’t personally emailed, Butters pulled off a hat trick on Sunday – Best Puppy, Best of Winners and Best of Breed. She behaved beautifully for her handler, Kay Reil of Bramstoke Bullmastiffs, and in Kay’s own words “Didn’t put a foot wrong”. Sarah, daughter of Butters’ co owner Paula, handled Butters on Saturday, and did a wonderful job as well, but the extra day of practice really paid off, and Butters shone on Sunday.
Kay said it was amusing to see her toddling around the group ring in the middle of all those big, polished, adult show dogs – Like a little Miss Sunshine pageant winner who’d wandered on stage at the Miss American pageant. I didn’t get any video footage, but I’ve been told that someone else did, so I’ll put it up as soon as I get a chance. In the meantime, you’ll find some photos of Butters in the group ring on Sunday here.
Now that show season is in full swing again, I’m going to start doing a Monday show results round up posting. More details to come.
In other news, I must sadly report that my GPS unit is officially trying to kill me.
A Quick Recap from Butters' First Dog Show
/10 Comments/in French Bulldog Stuff /by frogdogzPartial results from today’s Purina National Dog show in Tillsonburg, Ontario:
Judge Bud Haverstock
BOB — Belboulecan Mystic Winddancer
Best puppy — Evita Minimolos
WB — Rob Isle n Foxmoors Juanita
Sorry for any misspelling.