Bullmarket French Bulldog Breeders

Freaky Friday Email – Clone Wars Version

Occasionally, when watching television or a movie, I have been moved to wonder how the hell certain actors ever get work.

Nicholas Cage, for example, has been playing the same role for about twenty years now. Ditto Cameron Diaz. And Scarlett Johannsen? Don’t even get me started. Her acting is so robotic and stiff…

Huh. Robotic. Robots are sorta like… clones, right? (Shut up, they are so sorta like clones).

Received in my inbox:

Hello dear Ladies and Gentlemen! I would like inform you that Scarlett Johansson “actress” is actually is a clone from original person Scarlett Galabekian last name, who has nothing with acting career, surname Galabekian, because of adoption happened in 1992.

Well, now it all makes sense. Read the rest after the cut. It just gets better, trust me.
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Bullmarket French Bulldog Breeders

Dog Owners Fight Back in Louisville, Kentucky

When the reports first started trickling in on mailing lists, no one could believe it. “You can’t do that in America!” some cried, seemingly unaware that search and seizure without a warrant was rapidly becoming part of the arsenal of weapons at the disposal of animal control across the country.

This rumor, however, seemed pretty over the top – was Louisville Animal Control really engaging in something called the Newspaper Puppy Sting?

Put simply, Louisville Animal Control finds puppy for sale ads, shows up posing as a buyer, and then calls in law enforcement back up which then confiscates all the dogs in the house, alters them while in custody (irregardless of whether they are ten time best in show winners or backyard bred mixed breeds), and then charges the breeder exorbitant fines and penalties.

Now, it seems, some Louisville area dog breeders are fighting back – in a court of law.

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