Bullmarket French Bulldog Breeders

Dexter and the Soccer Ball, Part Two

Once a upon a time, Dexter had a soccer ball that he loved and adored and carried with him every he went. All of that changed, one cold and snowy Michigan afternoon.

Find out more in Dexter’s new video —

Our big, big thanks to Hope Saidel and GollyGear, for unbreaking poor Dexter’s heart.
Or watch Dexter’s original soccer ball video —

Bullmarket French Bulldog Breeders

Shelter In Crisis, Pt 2 – Inside the THS

From the second part of the three part Globe and Mail article on the Toronto Humane Society –

Jaxson, a 55-kilogram bull mastiff, had never been to Toronto.

So when his owners, Bree Piccinin and Trevor Perkins, decided they wanted to bring him along for a three-hour drive through a snowstorm from their home in London to the Toronto Humane Society, they decided to bring his prong collar.

They were considering making a $500 donation and adopting another dog, and wanted to make sure the animal would be compatible with Jaxson.

When they got to Toronto that day shortly before last Christmas, they left Jaxson’s flat nylon collar in the car and put on his prong collar, just in case anything startled him inside the shelter. A prong collar is comprised of a series of metal prongs that protrude inward and pinch a dog’s neck if it strains against a leash.

But soon after they entered the lobby, a large man began yelling at Ms. Piccinin and Mr. Perkins.

Ms. Piccinin, a 22-year-old bank worker who has worked with pit bull rescue groups in London, said that the man asked whether her dog was wearing a prong collar.

“And then he starts shouting, ‘I’m the president of the Toronto Humane Society and you have to get out of here’” she said.

“He continued to yell at us and call us dog abusers and then had some people escort us out of the building,” Mr. Perkins, a 28-year-old construction worker, said.

The rest is here.

Bullmarket French Bulldog Breeders

Super Fat Bun Bun

My poor Bunny looks like she’s set to explode. Like Delilah, she’s at the “I just can’t get comfortable” phase of her pregnancy, which involves lots of sad little “uuuuh” noises when you hold her.

She’s also slightly off her food, which for Bunny is akin to sacriledge, as the girl never met a meal she said ‘no’ to.

Chin up, Bunny – less than two weeks to go.