Bullmarket French Bulldog Breeders

You call THAT sad?

I’m all upset this morning, because of THIS blog posting —


In case you can’t be bothered to click it, it shows this photo, with the caption “Saddest Dog in the World”.

This dog isn't sad, it's ARTISTIC

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Bullmarket French Bulldog Breeders

Monday Morning Frenchie Photo Fun

Tessa and Sailor say "Shut up, and make with the cookies".

Tessa and Sailor say shut up, and make with the cookies

I’ve been mulling over my growing hatred for anyone who says that they can “understand the reasons behind breed bans”. This, coupled with my increasing suspicion that most of this hysteria can be blamed on the media, has left me a rather grumpy person lately.

In case of grumpiness, spend ten minutes watching puppy play with bottle cap.

In case of grumpiness, spend ten minutes watching puppy play with bottle cap.

I was going to post a big, long, unhappy rant about stupid people and the stupid things that they say, but instead, let’s look at some photos of happy Frenchies. It’s better for my blood pressure, and it’s probably more fun for you, the reader.

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Bullmarket French Bulldog Breeders

Pammy Makes New Friends

Pammy in the sunshine

Pammy had an adventure this afternoon – she traveled to our friend Kelly’s house, where she made some new four and two legged friends, chief among them Luther and Heart!

Luther, of course, is daddy to Bunny’s most recent litter – Po, Vela, Jacques, Hugo and Paco (formerly known as Peanut Butter). Heart is our very own Heart of Gold puppy, born just about one year ago. It’s always nice catching up with Miss Heart and seeing how she’s doing (and finding out how much trouble she’s been getting into). Apparently, Heart’s new favorite hobby is glaring at the miniature horses, and jumping onto Kelly’s dining room table (mid meal) to steal food.

Heart and Pammy

Luther was quite taken by Pammy, but we had to break it to him that she was still jail bait, so he’d better back off with the amorous advances. Pammy fell head over heels in love with Winston, who she didn’t seem to regard as a sentient being, but more as a really large, warm throw rug. She also came nose to nose with her first kitten, an experience she shrugged off as ‘eh’.

Pammy and Winston

All in all, a busy day for a small puppy!

Lots of photos after the cut, or on Flickr.

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