Bullmarket French Bulldog Breeders

2010 “Old French Bulldogs” Wall Calendar is Here

Cover of the 2010 Old French Bulldogs Wall Calendar

Cover of the 2010 Old French Bulldogs Wall Calendar

Fresh off the presses, the 2010 version of The FBVillage “Les Vieux” (old dogs) wall calendar is now available for purchase. 100% of ALL proceeds benefit the French Bulldog Village, and the fantastic work they do in placing French Bulldogs into their new homes.

Les Vieux celebrates our senior French Bulldogs – those dogs aged ten years or older. With dogs ranging in age from 10 to sixteen years, every single page has something to celebrate.

Of course, there are also some familiar faces on this calendar – check out January’s pin up gal, the ever lovely Dread Pirate Lola, looking smashing as usual.

Lola, Bullmarket Chiquita Lolita, is January's cover girl.

September’s cover girl also looks slightly familiar – could that possibly be Tessa, set against a back drop of colorful fall leaves?

Tessa is September's cover French Bulldog

This year’s calendar was designed by Milan Miklos, of Lionheart French Bulldogs. The calendar specs are:

Product Information

Keeping track of important dates on your calendar is easy when you can view 12 months of inspiring images that reflect your personal interests. Our high-quality calendar is printed on thick 100lb cover weight paper and adds impact to any room.

  • Each page measures 11″ x 8.5″
  • Measures 11″ x 17″ when hung on wall
  • Full bleed dynamic color
  • 100 lb cover weight high gloss paper, wire-o bound
  • January 2010 – December 2010, 2011 preview, US holidays marked

Remember, the French Bulldog Village works tirelessly to help special needs French Bulldogs and French Bulldog mixes, as well as assisting to get breeder retiree French Bulldogs into loving, adoptive homes. They could use your financial support, and your wall could use one of these lovely calendars!

Order one from the FBV Cafe Press store – http://www.cafepress.com/fbvillage.415199429

Bullmarket French Bulldog Breeders

Top Ten Poisons for Pets

In 2008, the Animal Poison Control Center (ASPCA) handled over 140,000 cases pertaining to pets that were exposed to toxic substances, and many included everyday household products in and around their own homes.

In response ASPCA put together the top 10 list of pet poisons in 2008, and it’s important that you become familiar with this list to help prevent any mishaps at home.

The Top 10 Poisons of 2008

1. Human Medications: 50,000 cases

It’s easy for pets to snatch pills from counters and bed-side tables, or quickly eat them if you’ve dropped a couple on the floor. Both over-the-counter and prescription medications including painkillers, antidepressants and even dietary supplements can be problematic.

2. Insecticides: 31,000 cases

One of the most common exposures involved using chemical flea and tick products incorrectly, such as applying a topical product for dogs on a cat.

3. People Food: 15,000 cases

Grapes, raisins, avocado and certain citrus fruits can all be dangerous for pets, but one of the worst offenders was chocolate, which contains large amounts of methylxanthines. If ingested it can cause vomiting, diarrhea, panting, excessive thirst, urination and hyperactivity, and in severe cases abnormal heart rhythm, tremors and seizures.

4. Rodenticides: 8,000 cases

Rat and mouse poison can contain inactive ingredients that are attractive to pets. Aside from eating the poison itself, pets can also become sick from eating a rodent that’s ingested poison. Exposure to rat and mouse poison can cause bleeding, seizures and kidney damage.

5. Veterinary Medications: 8,000 cases

Drugs meant for animals can still cause side effects, especially when they are misapplied or improperly dispensed. Some of the most common toxic exposures involved non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, heartworm preventatives, de-wormers, antibiotics, vaccines and nutritional supplements.

6. Plants: 8,000 cases

Azaleas, rododendrons, sago palms, lilies, kalanchoe, and schefflera are common houseplants that can be toxic to pets. Lilies are especially toxic to cats and can cause kidney failure even in small amounts.

7. Chemical Hazards: 5,500 cases

Many chemicals around your home can symptoms ranging from gastrointestinal upset and respiratory difficulties to depression and chemical burns in your pets. Examples include antifreeze, paint thinner, drain cleaners and pool/spa chemicals.

8. Household Cleaners: 3,200 cases

Bleaches, detergents and disinfectants contain chemicals that can cause serious gastrointestinal distress and irritation to the respiratory tract in your pets.

9. Heavy Metals: 3,000 cases

Metals such as lead, zinc and mercury can all poison your pets. Lead is especially widespread and pets can be exposed via paint chips, linoleum and lead dust that’s produced when surfaces in old homes are scraped and sanded.

10. Fertilizer: 2,000 cases

If your lawn has been sprayed with a chemical fertilizer it’s essential to keep your pet off of it. Prevention is the best tip for avoiding accidental exposure to these potentially toxic chemicals.

What to Do if Your Pet is Poisoned

If your pet becomes poisoned, don’t panic. If your pet is showing symptoms, go to an emergency vet in your area immediately. Otherwise, if you think your pet may have gotten into a toxin but you’re not sure, collect any remaining toxic product and call Poison Control (888-426-4435), which comes with a $60 consultation charge. Have your pet’s age, breed, sex, and weight information, along with any remnants of the toxin, on hand to provide to the toxicologist.

You may also be asked to specify what the potential toxic substance was, about how long ago your pet was exposed and about how much your pet consumed.

But, again, if your pet is already showing symptoms of poisoning, such as respiratory distress, seizures, or loss of consciousness, go to your emergency vet immediately so your pet can get the urgent help he needs.

Which “Human” Foods are Toxic for Pets?

People food was the third top poison to pets in 2008, and while certain human foods can be very healthy for dogs and cats — and it’s certainly preferable to feed your pets fresh, species-appropriate human-grade food as much as possible — there are some foods that are toxic to pets.

Here are some human foods you absolutely should not feed your pets:

  • Grapes and raisins, which can sometimes cause kidney failure in very low amounts
  • Chocolate contains theobromine and caffeine, which are both classified as methylxanthines; these can cause hyperactivity, increased heart rate, tremors, and potentially death (the more bitter the chocolate, the more toxic it is for your pets)
  • Onions and members of the onion family, such as leeks and chives; these can cause damage to red blood cells that could result in anemia in both dogs and cats. The exception is garlic, which is metabolized into a different metabolite than onions that is not toxic to pets. A small amount of fresh garlic fed to pets daily actually has some great health benefits.
  • Macadamia nuts may cause problems including weakness, depression, vomiting, ataxia, tremors, and hyperthermia.
  • Rising bread dough can be life-threatening – The bread dough itself is not toxic but the animal’s body heat can cause the dough to rise in the stomach, doubling or tripling in size and leading to impaction. The dough can also produce ethanol, which causes animals to stumble and become disoriented, lethargic and depressed.
  • Xylitol, a sugar substitute common in sugar-free chewing gum, can cause life-threatening hypoglycemia and liver damage in dogs; if your dog has ingested gum, bring your dog to the emergency vet immediately!

Again, if you know your pet has ingested a toxin and is showing signs of distress, take him to your emergency vet immediately. If your pet is not showing any symptoms yet, but you suspect he may have ingested a toxin, call Poison Control at 888-426-4435 to find out the next best steps to take.

After the cut, you’ll find ASPCA’s video guide to identifying poisonous plants in your home and garden.

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Bullmarket French Bulldog Breeders

Lost Frenchie in PA Finds Its Way Home

A happy update on the lost Frenchie in Washington, PA:

I wanta say THANK YOU to everyone that helped in the recovery of Star who was lost in the woods in Washingtons Pa. for four long days. Thank you to everyone that sent emails with support . Special Thank you to Frank Gavlak and his wonderful wife and to Mary Smith for all their support and help, for the many hours spend walking in the back woods, for the help in getting a live trap set up and for Franks and his wife’s special care given to Star until I could make another trip to Pa. to bring her home. Also a big thank you to Kathy at animal control and to the wonderful guys at Tower Golf. Without each and every one of you Star might not have made it back home safe and sound.
Star made it back home late weds. night. It took two days before she would go outside alone and last night was the first time she brought me a toy and wanted to play since she’s been home. I’m sure she’ll be just fine in a few more days and back to her ole self.
Again, a special THANK YOU to each and every one of you………
