Bullmarket French Bulldog Breeders

News Report on Stolen Chicago French Bulldog Puppy

Delilah Blue
CBS News in Chicago has done a story on Delilah Blue, the French Bulldog puppy stolen from right inside her owner’s home.

More details here.


in Chicago, a French bulldog named Delilah has been gone since Sunday. That’s when her owner says she met the guy who took her. They’d been walking in a park near their home in the Pilsen area.

The dog’s owner, Beth Gottlieb, says she let the man into her house to use the restroom. She believes that while he was there, he unlatched a door that he would later use to get inside and steal the dog.

“The same exact person stole a dog from a pet store, and it’s an assault,” Gottlieb said. “I think it’s a crime ring.”

She says police dusted her door for fingerprints, and they’re working on a second case with a suspect fitting the same description. Gottlieb said the man who stole her dog had shaved eyebrows, multiple ear-piercings, tattoos on the sides of his neck and a tattoo on his arm that says “Alexi” or “Alexa.”

Animal experts say they’ve found thieves selling dogs like Delilah on the Internet for hundreds, even thousands, of dollars.

More details on this case, along with contact information – https://www.bullmarketfrogs.com/blog/2010/02/more-on-the-stolen-chicago-french-bulldog/

Please keep spreading the word, and please keep watching your newspaper classifieds, Buy and Sell type papers, and on line ads for French Bulldog puppies for sale matching Delilah Blue’s description.

Bullmarket French Bulldog Breeders

Just Born Babies

Tula and her newborn French Bulldog puppy

Tula and her black masked fawn boy

Not much time, but here are some photos of Tula’s newborn French Bulldog puppies – two boys, one black masked fawn, and one black masked silver brindle. It was fun getting to and from the vet’s office – we’re under a severe winter storm warning, and the roads I drove on were basically slicks of ice, in several places.

Everyone is doing well, but Tula has some rather worrisome cyst like growths on her uterus. We’ll be spaying her in ten weeks, per the vet’s instructions – she was reluctant to do it now, and prefers to wait for the uterus to be less engorged before she removes it. Hopefully, the spay will take care of whatever the growths are – but some crossed fingers wouldn’t hurt.

Tula is, as always, being a doting and attentive mother.

Photos below, or on Flickr.

Bullmarket French Bulldog Breeders

Friday Zen – Crying Frenchie Puppy

Crying French Bulldog puppy sounds like kitten

Is it just me, or does this little guy sound JUST like a kitten meowing? I believe we have a strong contender here for the Gold Medalist winner, in Frenchie Death Yodel, Junior Edition competition.