Singing Simon
/2 Comments/in French Bulldog Puppy News, French Bulldog Stuff /by CarolSimon and his brothers have formed quite the little a capella group – every so often, they throw their little heads back and sing their hearts out. There’s something weirdly disconcerting about a teeny tiny puppy who is howling like a miniature timber wolf.
I haven’t quite managed to get it on video yet, but I do get a nice series of photos of Simon in action. Check out that big round head and those shoe button eyes! So cute!
I’m trying out a new method of displaying photos, so you’ll find them all after the cut.
The Puppies Eat Their First Meal
/4 Comments/in French Bulldog Puppy News, French Bulldog Stuff, Raw Dog Food /by CarolWell, it’s official – the puppers are growing up. Monday, they ate their very first meal – a tasty slurry made from raw beef mixed with warm, raw whole goat’s milk. Think ‘beef goat milk smoothie’.
Alvin (aka Striker) took to it like a champ – you could almost see him thinking “Thank god, it’s food I don’t have to chase across the whelping box”.
Teddy also got the hang of it right away – you could almost see him thinking “thank god, it’s food buffet style (whatever a buffet is)”.
Simon, on the other hand? Not so impressed. His basic opinion seems to be “I have fresh food on tap from mommy – why should I work so hard?”. He takes a little bit of coaxing, and even then he’s still more interested in licking left overs off of his brothers’ faces. Oh well, some kids just are slower to mature.
Here’s a short video, taken during that very first meal.
Way to Go Luke!
/2 Comments/in French Bulldog Stuff, Frenchie Family /by CarolTwo weekends in a row, and two great wins for Tula and Dexter’s kids!
First Leah’s winners bitch win at Purina, and now Luke takes winners dog for a 4 point Major at the supported entry at the Louisville Cluster of dog shows! What a great win for a young puppy, and we just couldn’t be happier. Big congrats to Luke’s co owner, Andrea Morden Moore!
It’s been a lot of fun to hear from all of the people who had a chance to meet Lukey in person at Louisville. Handsome is great, but hearing how sweet and affectionate he is even better.
Also, can you believe how great the swag was from this win? Check out the photo –
Holy cow!
Lots more photos are over on Luke and Andrea’s Flickr page – and make sure to keep an eye out for this handsome little guy if you’re at an Illinois area show!